In this episode we will dive into how his business has evolved, how he monetizes his website and what the transition to full-time entrepreneur has been like.
Ryan: What is up my fellow side hustlers? This is your friend and host Ryan Helms. I want to welcome you to the Hustle To Freedom podcast. I’m part of a small minority that are taking action because we just aren’t satisfied with waking up, going to a 9-5 job, then coming home only to repeat it again the next day, and never make any real progress in life. We’re here to create our own path, our own happiness, our own freedom. Busy lives with limited resources mean we can’t just throw stuff against the wall and hope that something sticks.
We have to play smart and use only today’s best strategies and most efficient tools. We aren’t going to sit back and hope for a 3% raise each year. We’re building additional income sources that will allow us to create the life we want. We call ourselves freedom chasers. This podcast highlights the journey of these everyday people who are creating extraordinary side hustles. Welcome to the Hustle To Freedom podcast.
If you are enjoying these episodes, listen until the end or check out the show notes to hear four ways in which you can support this podcast to keep it ad free. In this episode, I’m chatting with Chris Parker about how after 10 plus years of it being just a side hustle, he finally took his business full time. We dive in to how his business has evolved, how he monetizes this very neat website, and what the transition to full time entrepreneurship has been like for him. Let’s not waste any more time and jump into this episode with Chris now.
Chris: Hi, my name is Chris Parker. I am the founder of I started the site back in 2000 which might be longer ago than some of your audience, but it’s been quite a ride. It was very interesting because it was never intended to be a business. It went from a hobby, to a side hustle, to my full time occupation now. I tried a number of other businesses, online businesses first which lasted for a little while and then it went down in flames. During that time I kept working in the corporate world.
About 2014, my employer, hit with the economic crisis like so many others, had to let me go. “Hey Chris, we can’t afford to keep paying you,” and I was faced with that decision of, do I look for a new corporate job or do I give my hustle a good test run here? My wife and I talked about it. We thought about it and set up some milestones. We’re going to try this for three months, six months, nine months, and a year. We had these milestones set out to recoup my full day time income. With growth in my business within one year and if I could do that, then we both feel good about me continuing to do it. Plus, I had no idea if it would even be reasonable for me to work from home.
You never know what that’s going to be like until you’ve spent a month sitting in your house. I’ve been in the corporate world for 20 plus years. All of a sudden, going from working in an office of 50-100 people to being me and my dog, that can be a pretty big transition. That’s my back-story.
Ryan: Awesome. If I did the very basic math right, hopefully I did, you did your side hustle for 14 years?
Chris: Yes. I have side hustled in one way or another for about 14, probably technically longer than that but yeah, for 14 years.
Ryan: But this site was running for at least 14 years before you went all in on that.
Chris: Yeah. In 2014, I went full in on it.
Ryan: What was your background pre year 2000. Were you doing something? Did you have a history in something that led you into starting this specific site?
Chris: Well that was 2000, the internet was pretty young. There wasn’t a whole lot of sites out there. At the time, I was working for, I would say an online ecommerce company, but when I started working for them, there was no online ecommerce. It was a mail order company where you called in to place your orders. The company called Club Mac, selling Macintosh computer hardware. Once the internet came around, I helped them setup a site. At that point in time, there were no website degrees, there were no webmaster degrees. This whole HTML thing was pretty new. I kind of prodded and poked along helping them do that.
At some point, we were having some weird issue and we needed to know what the public IP address of our office was. I went on to AltaVista, Google didn’t exist then or wasn’t particularly big at that time, and there really wasn’t an easy way to find out what the public IP address of the office was. “Gosh, I can make a website that’ll do that.” So I put together an old Windows NT server box, stuck in on my DSL connection at home. When you went to, it would just show you your IP address. No content, nothing. I thought, “This is useful for me and whoever happens to run across it will use it.” That’s how it started.
Ryan: What exactly is an IP address?
Chris: The easiest way to explain what an IP address is, there’s two great analogies. It’s like your phone number, but on the internet. If you want to call someone, you got your caller ID, or you could look at the return address on a letter that you’re sending. If you send a letter to someone and you want a response, you have to put your return address on there. The address that you send it to is the IP address of the web server where the website is running. The return address is your home computer or your cell phone. It gets delivered across the internet hopping along. The website sees it, reads it, and says, “They want the homepage,” then they put it in the envelope and send it back. Then it comes back to that return address. That return address is your temporary or semi permanent location on the internet.
Ryan: Does your IP address change depending on where you’re at? Like if I’m at home and then I go to Starbucks, does it change?
Chris: When you change your internet connection, when you go from your Wifi at home to the Wifi at that Starbucks, it will be your home IP address and then your Starbucks IP address. Everybody who’s sitting at Starbucks will have that same IP address just like when you’re sitting at home. Everyone who’s using your home internet has the same IP address.
Ryan: That’s awesome. Is the IP address how people get in trouble like pirating music and stuff? Is that how they figure out who you are?
Chris: That’s exactly how it works, because anytime you do these peer-to-peer file sharing, your computer is communicating with somebody else’s computer. If they see you hosting copyrighted content, they file a subpoena against your ISP, send a letter along in the mail to you saying, “Give us $3000 or we’re taking you to court.”
Ryan: In 2000, you built this framework for a site that is essentially, all it did was spit out a few little numbers which is your IP address on the screen. What made you evolve that into something more? It’s 14 years in the making until you go all in on it. Can you take us through the evolution of it being from just a couple numbers on the screen to something that’s actually producing income?
Chris: Absolutely. Sorry, I’m a geek. I enjoy the internet stuff. I enjoy the technology. No reason to apologize for that, that’s good stuff. I just decided to put an email address on there so if anyone has any questions, email me. I started getting maybe one question every couple of days. That became a couple of questions a day. At some point it was like, I don’t want to spend my nights and weekends responding to people’s emails, let me just take a top 10 of these questions, because I’m responding to the same thing quite frequently, and create frequently asked questions. That was the first iteration. Let me build a couple more pages that give people some information that answer those common questions. A number of years later, Google AdSense.
Ryan: I think that’s a good point to pause on because you were listening to what the people were asking. A lot of people need to do this when they’re building a website, when they’re building a product, you shouldn’t just build what you think is great in your head, you should listen to what people are asking for and then build that. You hear a lot of startups and things like that fail and go under even after they got funding it’s because they build a lot of features and waste money and time doing things that people don’t really want. You in the beginning, letting people feedback drive you to actually turning this into something, that’s pretty cool.
Chris: I wish I would have been incredible business insight. It was just happenstance in some sense of just the natural progression of something that was a hobby for me and let me just add more information and make it more useful over time. That’s been the underlying theme of what I’ve done with it over the years is, let me just provide something that’s useful, people will visit it, the advertisers will pay me a little bit of money to have an ad on there, and that might actually grow into something.
Ryan: Yeah. At what point during this evolution of the site did you decide to monetize it? Maybe before we get there, when did you have the epiphany that you could somehow possibly make money with this thing that was giving people an IP address that had some frequently asked questions on it? Did you just start researching the ‘how to make money online’ stuff? How did you get to the point where you were like, “Somehow, I might be able to get money from this thing.”
Chris: I think the first thing that caught my attention was the computer I had it running on started alerting me saying the hard drive was almost full. I was like, it’s a 6-page website, how could the hard drive be full. It was the logs of so many people visiting it a day that actually built up for a number of years that was like, “Hey, we’re almost out of dry space,” that’s the point where I realized there’s a lot of people coming here. I started looking around and well, “People are running advertising in other sites, is this something I can do?”
At the beginning, there weren’t a whole lot of options for ads. You could do banner networks and things like banner exchanges and little banner networks, but I think the major turning point was when Google launched AdSense. I can put a single line of code, I didn’t have to maintain a relationship, I just had to do something very simple, and they handled everything from there. That was the epiphany of, “Ooh, I can actually make money from this.” At the beginning it was probably not even enough to cover the cost of my DSL connection, but it was like, “Hey, someone wants to pay me for my hobby. I’ll take it. This could be fun.”
Ryan: You put this old line of code on there, you started running these various ads. Miscellaneous companies could just pop up depending on the content that they were pushing out. Was that and is that the sole method for monetizing the site now?
Chris: It’s actually becoming less and less of the monetization of the site. I’ve worked to build a lot of content up around affiliate programs that tie in with that niche. As my writing skills get better and as I work with contractors with better writing skills, we’ve really been able to grow the monetization that way.
Ryan: Yeah. Knowing that your address is based on giving people’s IP address, people may think like, “What affiliate products could you offer there, including me? I’m curious.” What type of affiliate products fit into this niche? I’m curious.
Chris: We worked to expand into the privacy and security space. Your IP address will usually, if you visit my website, you’ll see that it’s probably coming back with the location pretty near where you live. I was joking with one of the guys who was working for me. He’s like, “It’s pointing right to my kitchen window. I’m a little concerned about that,” and other people could be states away, but in the most case it’s usually the right city. The IP address could give websites and people that you’re communicating with a general idea where you are. Once people see that, it freaks them out.
I started building a lot of content up around privacy and security, and what’s probably taken off best is VPN services or virtual private networks. You route your internet traffic through their servers. When you’re visiting a family in India, you can still look like you’re in southern California, or New York, or wherever you want to appear based on where the company has servers. That protects your identity. A lot of these companies are run out of countries that are not as accommodating to subpoenas, freedom, and request for information.
If they’re incorporated in Panama, you send them a subpoena, “Who is using this IP address at this time?” and they go, “What? We’re not going to tell you.” Yes, it’s that blend between there’s privacy, but there can also be used for illegality and stuff like that. I’m not, by any means, promoting illegal activity but we have a right to keep our data private and not be spied on by ISPs, government, and things like that.
Ryan: Is there anything that we should be concerned about our IP addresses? Is there anything besides the surface level like, “Okay, you’re in this approximate area.” Can people do other things with that IP address?
Chris: They can knock you offline with denial of service attacks. They compromise a bunch of computers around the world and push tons of data down your internet connection. Even if you’ve got a fiber internet connection, they could clog it up and slow it down, making your internet service unusual. I think for most people it really is that, “Oh gosh, it pinpoints me to a city.” If I live in a small city, there might only be one Chris Parker in that small city that someone can look up in the phonebook or something like that and pull up their address, or, “Oh, I know who that is. Yeah, he lives over there.” For a lot of people, it’s really about either the combination of whether websites know where I am, people I’m communicating with know where I am, or the government knows where I am.
Ryan: Going back to the monetization of the site and stuff, you’re partnering with these other companies such as these VPN sites and things like that. Is this like a cost per click or cost per acquisition? How do you get paid from these companies?
Chris: Depending on which one it is. It’s frequently a CPA. Affiliates tend to like cost per acquisition because they get their commission frontloaded and it’s easier to manage your finances when you get all your commission in lump sum upfront. Some of them run with a REVShare. As long as that person is a customer, you get a percentage of the business for the life of that customer. Personally, I’m a fan of the ongoing REVShare for the life of the customer. I feel that it’s a win-win for everybody.
If it’s in my interest to make sure that person stays as a customer with that advertiser for as long as they can, so it would generally tend to build in my opinion a better relationship between me as the affiliate and the company, because our interests are aligned, keeping that person or customer as long as possible. On the CPA stuff, you tend to attract affiliates that are, I don’t want to say pump and dump, but can, “Hey, we just want to get the money. We don’t have a vested interest.” If you’re the cash flow type, getting your commission upfront is a really nice thing.
Ryan: When you’re on a REVShare program, you get a certain percentage each month. What type of percentages do you see out there for someone that’s new to the affiliate space? What’s typical to expect like, 10% of whatever the monthly fee is? I know it varies, but in your space, what are you seeing?
Chris: I think in my space I’m trying to think of the ballpark numbers without disclosing any particular partners or any specific numbers. If you’re like in a service industry where there’s software or an ongoing subscription to something, it’s often in that 30% range. When becomes hardware or physical goods, sometimes you’re lucky if you can get 10%. If you start getting into electronics, it could be 2% and things like that. It can be really tight, but I’ve seen some programs for informational sources being 50%, 60%, 75%. It can be very lucrative if you’ve got the right audience, the right offer, and it makes a good match.
Ryan: Yeah. You’ve got several affiliate relationships setup. You’re moving ahead with this business and then we get the 2014 and you’re laid off. When that happened and you sat down with your wife and had that conversation, did you change anything in the business right away like, “Okay, like I’ve got the time now. I’ve been wanting to do this,” or did you totally revamp your business plan? What was going through your head and what actions did you take?
Chris: For me the big push of when it became a full-time gig was, I need to produce significantly more content. I need to build new tools, I’ve got time now to do this kind of stuff, and that’s what I did. I got a hold of a couple of writers and have a couple contract writers. I think one of the things that I, regret is maybe not the right word, but in hindsight I look at is that, because I was never really up until maybe 5-8 years ago, I was never really looking at it as a business model. There are a lot of things that I’ve built as part of the process where it was just me. I was doing everything anyway, so why should I make things automated? Why should I make things easy for other people to do?
I’m now reaping the negative benefits of having custom coded a lot of stuff and custom built a lot of things that in a lot of ways, I’m the bottle neck for growing my business now. I can’t just magically, “Hey, let me start up 20 contractors and have them all start churning away and it means no more work for me,” well, if I bring on 20 writers, it means 20 times the work for me now. I’m in the process of trying to figure out how to undo and redo a lot of the infrastructure that I’ve built up over the last 20 years and make it more usable or more accessible to other people.
Ryan: When they’re creating content, they have to pass everything off to you based on how you have to input it in your backend?
Chris: Yes. Every content page on the website is custom-coded. There are some good reasons for it at the time. The site gets a ton of traffic. Above and beyond the human traffic that it gets, a lot of scrapers, a lot of compromised machines trying to find out what is my own IP address for command and control purposes, malware, and stuff like that, try to use my website to determine which machines have been infected and stuff like that. For however much legitimate traffic actually is served, there’s probably 10 to 50 times the number of queries coming in that are not real.
Ryan: That’s interesting because I had a guy on the podcast, this was probably I think it was maybe episode 55, 60, somewhere around there. I don’t know anything about this, I was totally oblivious to it, but he owns a startup called Adbank. Have you heard of it?
Chris: It sounds familiar.
Ryan: They’re a crypto technology ad tech company. One of the things they’re doing and how he was explaining it to me—most of it, to be honest, was way over my head—he was describing there’s so much traffic on the internet that’s fake traffic and people are running all these bots to these websites just to click ads and things like that.
He was telling me that there is a, I believe it was a cartel in Mexico, that this is how they fund their operations. They’ve got these bots that go out on the internet and they’re clicking all these ads, and things like this, and generating revenue on their sites and they’ve got bot turning to their sites that they’re advertising on. I was like, “Holy crap, I would have never thought about that,” but he was saying this crazy number of stuff is like fake traffic. That was a totally new world for me and that you’re saying it was 50-100 times?
Chris: For me, if you’re looking at the math, it’s probably was at 90%-95% of the traffic that hits the edge is not legitimate traffic. It’s not a human being. I’m not talking Google, Bing, and things like that intentionally indexing, but I’m talking just pure legitimate people that are, “Hey, I want to reverse engineer his database, so I’m going to query every single IP address starting right now.” You get a few hundred people doing stuff like that or 100,000 infected machines even if they’re only requesting their IP address once a day, it could be a crazy amount of traffic. There’s been a lot of cat and mouse, jumping through hoops, and a lot of infrastructure costs that probably most website operators would have to deal with. What I have to deal with just because of the high profile and nature of my site.
Ryan: Someone listening to this now that has a site that’s maybe getting 500 views a day or something like that, would something like that be mostly real views do you think, or would that be 95% fake as well?
Chris: I think the numbers that I’ve seen in the last couple of years, if you don’t have someone like CloudFlare or Akamai in front of you, probably about half the traffic that you get to your servers, if not 75% of that, isn’t real human beings. When you look at your Google Analytics logs, those things should be pretty good. Google’s pretty good at filtering that stuff out. If anything, it’s probably just a little bit on the low side. Google Analytics will probably give you a decent idea of what reality is.
Ryan: Going back to that other conversation I had with that guy. It was really eye opening because you’ve got all these companies that are wasting, I forgot how many billion dollars he said every year are wasted in this fake traffic clicking ad. All these bots are clicking these ads, the companies are paying out for those clicks, and it’s all just fake stuff. It’s crazy. Again, this totally world that I was not even aware of what’s happening.
Chris: I think in November 2018, Google worked with the FBI and a bunch of ad networks to shut down one of those cartels. It was in the millions of clicks a day or something like that. It was just a crazy amount of fraud going on.
Ryan: Going back to my original question. I got side tracked. I actually think I interrupted you. You said that you now have the time and some of the challenges was on content, meaning, somebody writes something, you have to then put it in the backend because it’s custom-coded. Did you also start building new things for the site? Have you built anything new recently for the platform?
Chris: Yeah. I’ll take a step back on it. In the last year, I hired a business coach and really trying to learn things that aren’t in my wheelhouse and just really have an open mind to one of the opportunities out there, what are the methodologies, what kind of things can I do to be personally just more productive with my time, and more effective at what I do. One of the conferences that I went to in 2018, I saw a presentation by Ryan Levesque called The Ask Method.
Ryan: Yeah.
Chris: It was really just a great technique for better understanding your customers and being able to use their language when you’re communicating with them. Your conversion rates go up. You’re really speaking to exactly what people’s issues are. I had, in a weird way, the opposite problem that a lot of people have. I have a ton of traffic coming to the site and in some sense, I don’t know why they’re coming. Yeah they’re coming to get their IP address, but what’s the underlying reason of why…
Ryan: Why do they want their IP address.
Chris: Why do they want their IP address at the rate of 200,000 people a day. It baffles me at times. Over the course of a couple of months, we ran a bunch of surveys framed around Ryan’s techniques and kind of segmented. We see that we’ve got 3-4 different types of people coming to the website for different reasons. Which one of those stands to be the most monetizable to look at?
Ryan: How did you execute this survey?
Chris: We actually just used SurveyMonkey in a popup. One of the benefits of if you get ridiculous amounts of traffic is, if I get 1% of the people every day who choose to fill out survey, I can get a couple thousand responses over the course of the weekend. We would just trickle the survey out to a small percentage of the traffic over a week or two, and “Okay, can we have this information now? Let’s reformulate the questions based on the answers and re-ask them again,” and then we started looking at people who were using VPNs. What were the reasons why they were using them. We asked that open ended question using Ryan’s technique. Then you go back and using your research, you go back and ask it say, “Okay, if you could choose from one of these three things, which one would it be? Are you using a VPN because you are concerned about privacy? Are you using a VPN because you’re concerned about security? Or are you using a VPN because you want to access content that you can’t access from where you’re currently at?” the fourth one is you always add, “Honestly, none of the above,” and give them an opportunity to fill in the blank.
We ran that survey and confirmed that yeah, those were the three primary reasons why people were using VPNs. We built up process for people to figure out what VPN is best for you based on what you actually want to do with the VPN. If you’re just concerned about the security of your information, your banking, and things like that while you’re traveling, I personally don’t care if the government sees what websites I go to. I’m more concerned with data being intercepted mid-stream and things like that, or if I’m traveling internationally, I don’t really trust the free hotel wifi. I don’t trust the mom and pop cafe to be able to lock down their internet like a professional. You use a VPN for security.
We built up this process, we call it the VPN Simplifier that use the common language that people were talking about. “I want to stream this. I’m worried about being spied on. I want to be unblocked.” You look at all that verbiage that they use and you repeat it back to them in the sales process. We just launched that about a week ago and are seeing conversion rates somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% better than when we weren’t doing that.
Ryan: How are you offering this on the site?
Chris: We originally had a page called VPN Comparison which was just a really nasty spreadsheet basically of, “Here’s the top 10-15 VPNs. Here’s a couple other bells and whistles. The one at the top the list gets more business than the one at the bottom of the list, unless somebody knows something.” In the surveys, you read between the lines, and a lot of people are like, “Well, I don’t know how to choose which one. Do I just choose the one that’s at the top of the list or is there a reason why I might want the one in the middle of the list?”
A lot of these VPN comparison sites that are out there don’t give you that information. It’s just, “Here’s a list. You get to choose on your own.” “Okay. Well, I hope it’s this one.” So we did the research and put together a page. There’s just very simple prompts on the page of, “I want access. I want security. I want privacy,” and then rather than giving them 10 options, “Here’s the best three that through our research are actually able to offer you best in class for that particular service that you’re looking for.”
Ryan: Nice. On the one that gets presented to them, there’s an affiliate link in that, and if they chose to purchase that VPN, then that’s how you make money through that transaction.
Chris: Yeah. Whether it’s cost per acquisition or REVShare, we make a little bit of money off of it. Hopefully it will allow us to actually scale up some advertising towards that page and actually make some margin on it.
Ryan: Going back to The Ask Method from Ryan Levesque. I remember this was right when I started my side hustle journey 18 months ago or so. I remember going to his website and watching one of his webinars and downloading his content. It was so in-depth. I just remember this, not a flow chart, but a tree map of this huge tree map of all this stuff. I was just like, “Whoa. I’m definitely not there yet.” How did you consume that information and figure out how to apply it to your business? For someone that doesn’t know about it, basically it’s called The Ask Method because you’re supposed to talk with your customers more to figure out what exactly they need and then implement it, very much simplifying it. It’s a ton of content. How did you take all that content and make heads or tails of it?
Chris: Actually, I would say almost an overwhelming process. I sat down with one of my writers and we probably watched about 40 hours of content. There are some of his content that’s very specific to certain processes and because we weren’t really—I’m trying to think of a way to phrase this—his ideal client in that sense. Usually, it’s a more high-tech ecommerce type of product, or master class, or web trainings, and things like that where I think there’s a little more opportunity to dig I and apply the method.
We just went through it and figure out, “Well, that applies to us. That’s the language that we’re going to use. Well, that doesn’t apply to us.” One of the things he talks about all the time was, “You don’t have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going.” So we just said, “Okay, we just need to implement this the best that we can, as quickly as we can, just keep moving the ball down the road, not get too tied up in some of the intricacies of it, and some of the analytics.” We have enough data that we could avoid some of the methodologies that he has.
Ryan: Cool. If anybody is interested in what we’re talking about here, The Ask Method, I’ll link it down below for his book that he put out on the topic or you could just google The Ask Method and you’ll see a lot of content on it. Be prepared to be inundated with content if you do download his ebooks or anything like that. It’s super good just like you said, you need to be at a certain state in your business almost for it to really be valuable to you.
Chris: I think if you have a team, I think it could be really productive. If you’re just an individual, if you’ve got the time to do it, I think it’s worthwhile, but it can be a fairly labor-intensive process.
Ryan: Yeah. We’re talking right now. This episode will probably come out at the beginning of March. We’re actually recording it a few days before Christmas time. Knowing that it’s December that we’re talking right now, if we were talking again December 2019, where do you think the business would be? What would have changed in 12 months and how do you think you’d be positioned?
Chris: I hopefully will no longer be the bottleneck to my business. That’s really probably the major goal that I have for the year, is to allow other people to be able to execute on their skill set, where I’m not lost in the weeds on the business, but that I can provide a general direction for people and say, “Hey, let’s go here. Let’s go this way.” It’s been fun that it’s gotten from side hustle to solopreneur. I think I’m now moving into the stage where I have a variety of contractors working for me, and I’m trying to get systems in place, processes in place. When you haven’t documented that as part of your business growth of the stage, it’s a little overwhelming to one point to say, “Okay. I need to document all my processes right now.” That would be my advice to anyone else. Start documenting your processes early, when they’re fairly simple and they’re easy enough that it’s not too big of a deal to do it all at once. If I could get out of the day-to-day, that would be awesome.
Ryan: What we do on the process side for anyone listening or even for you Chris, one of the things that we find really useful was, we use a tool called Loom to do quick screen recording. They’re like a Chrome extension, super useful. We’ll just record whatever it is that we’re doing and almost use that as a work instruction, a one pager. It’ll be a quick overview, really high-level of the process, and then it’s like, “Hey, the step by step, play by play is in this video. Click here.” That’s how we’ve really mapped out a lot of our processes.
The one caveat to that is that you need to make sure that’s actually your process and that it is firmed up, or else you’re going to be recording a ton of videos. Once you get things that at an almost steady state, we find that to be a good process for us. That way, we can send it off to our VAs or whoever is helping us with that process, and then they can quickly watch that video and you can get a little bit more detail without having an 18-page document.
Chris: Yeah. I’ve done that with a couple of a fairly streamlined processes where I’ve sat down with a VA and on a Zoom call, we walked through it. It’s so nice to have some of those things that took me an hour a day or two hours a day now being handled by someone in the Philippines for a couple of bucks an hour. I was like, “Why did I not do this sooner? We should have done this years ago. It would have made my life a lot easier.”
Ryan: Exactly. Well Chris, I really appreciate you coming around and hanging on the Hustle To Freedom podcast and talking to all of us about how you’ve taken this website that started out with just spinning out a few numbers on a webpage in 2000, to taking it to your full time gig now in 2018. It’s been really cool to hear about the evolution of your business. Let’s wrap up by telling people where they can find out more about your stuff. I know we’ve mentioned it a couple of times, but just let us know that and any other places that they can find you.
Chris: Sure. You can always get a hold of the website at There’s all sorts of tools, and widgets, and information there, and you can scare yourself by going there, and seeing if we can figure out how close we are on your IP address. If anyone wants to follow some of the behind the scenes stuff, you can follow me on my own website at I’ll send the link so you can drop it on the show notes.
Ryan: Sure. Awesome. I was just about to type it, but if you do that, that will make sure I get it right then. Cool Chris. I sincerely appreciate it. I had a blast and we’ll talk soon.
Chris: Thank you very much. I had a great time.
Ryan: And that’s a wrap. I hope you all enjoyed that episode. Remember, you can find links to everything we discussed in the show notes below. If you like this podcast and want me to keep bringing you great episodes each week, here are a few ways you can support the Hustle To Freedom podcast.
First, Take a screenshot of this podcast and send it to a friend who may like it. Second, I am building a draw link for a free copy of The Side Hustle Journal for every five iTunes reviews I receive. If you want a chance to win, leave a rating and review on iTunes or Apple podcast, and send me an email at [email protected]. Detailed instructions on how to do this are at in the show notes below. Third, take your side hustle to the next level by implementing a sales funnel to turn your passive website visitors into paying customers with ClickFunnels, the number one sales funnel software in the world. You can get a free trial by going to Fourth, if you are interested in podcasting also, which is the fastest growing content medium in the world, head over to to enroll in my course now. Until next time, keep hustling my friends.
Chris Parker
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