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How to Quit Google and Get Your Privacy Back

Google is a household name.

We all know it. We all use it.  And most of us can’t imagine living without it.

But let’s face it—they’re not actually letting you use their products for free – you’re paying for it with your privacy.

Here’s what that means.

Google is tracking and recording your online activity—even when you’re not logged in to your account!—in order to build user profiles they use to make billions of dollars in advertising.

Now, if you want to take back some of the control over your online privacy and user data, you can either ignore/delete your Google account, use privacy tools, such as a good VPN service or try these alternatives to Google’s products and services:

Look before you leap.

Although Google may sound like a devious character in the data game, they’re still Google and that carries a lot of weight.

For example, the huge majority of apps being developed by companies revolve around the use of different Google services. Also, the online help and information you get that are a byproduct of Google’s data collection and sharing might be benefitting you in your daily routine—and you don’t even know it.

So, without massive support for and from communities that works with open-source, Google will continue to dominate the online search and services market.

And put the squeeze on your online privacy.

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