Listen in as I’m interviewed about running an internet business by Eric Kasimov for the Entrepreneur Perspectives Podcast, building and protecting your business one podcast at a time.
Eric: Welcome to the podcast, Entrepreneur Perspectives, building and protecting your business one podcast at a time. A KazSource family production.
In this episode, we discuss starting an internet business in the year 2000, running an online business today, and IP addresses.
Our guest today is Chris Parker, founder and CEO of Eighteen years ago when the internet was a desolate place, Chris created a site that now consistently gets 6,000,000 visitors per month and generates almost seven figures per year. Chris has leveraged his technical background and interests managing for 18 years and has turned it into a thriving business teaching people about privacy and online safety.
With teaching in mind, let’s get right into this episode and welcome, Chris Parker.
Chris, you have 6,000,000 people visiting your website each month. That’s a lot. Do you feel pressured to make sure that the user gets what they came for?
Chris: Yeah. At times, it keeps me up at night. It’s important to me that they get what they’re expecting.
Eric: I would imagine so. How do you keep up with that? Just like any website, just like any business, there are issues. There are errors that come up. Just this morning, we noticed that LinkedIn was having some problems with their website. I researched it and it wasn’t just today. It’s been going on for a long time. They have a community that they have to make sure is happy. There’s going to be issues that pop up, Windows issues that pop up. How do you deal with that? You’ve been through a lot. How do you make sure that you don’t lose your sanity when it comes to it while at the same time making sure that the customers get the best experience that they can have?
Chris: That’s a big question. We can take it in a lot of different ways. There’s the business aspect of it—of making the information on the site easy to find, easy to read, it’s a site aesthetically pleasing. One of the things that I’ve always have to wrestle with is bouncing how much money I make, the ads—all that kind of stuff with the user experience. There’s a lot of sites out there when you go to the site there’s like, two sentences and 15 ads then you’ve got to go to the next page and the next page. You’re like, “Ah! It’s not worth it.” You didn’t deliver what you promised. There’s that aspect of it.
There’s also the infrastructure aspect of it. Unfortunately, having a website entitled,, and getting lots of traffic, I draw attention that I don’t like. I get quite frequent denial service attacks on my site. Each one of those things is a headache and a hassle to deal with. There’s some fun stories there if you want to talk about them.
Eric: Yeah. What you’ve just said there’s some fun stories that we can talk about, it sounds like you have a great perspective when it comes to this. You know there’s going to be issues no matter what happens on this journey that you had to get to 6,000,000,000 users or 6,000,000 visits per month.
Talk to us. Not everyone is going to listen or most people do not have 6,000,000 visitors to their websites. They might have one visitor, 100, 1000, or a little bit more than that. I would imagine just talking to you offline and talking to you now. It hasn’t changed the way you look at the site. It sounds like to me, you want to help that one person. I’m going to your website. You want to make sure that I get value out of it.
Chris, I don’t have 6,000,000 people coming to my website. I might have 100 people coming in my website. We really shouldn’t be talking. I need to talk with someone else. What do you say to all that?
Chris: It’s all about providing value. People will link to you. People will talk about you. People will use your website if you actually provide the value that you claim to provide. If you say, “I’m going to give you the best recipe for making sponge cake.” It better doggone be a great recipe for a sponge cake. It better be easy to follow with pictures. There’s also stuff that you can do to make content engaging and get people to come back. You got to deliver on what you promise.
Eric: That’s right. You’ve been delivering on what you promised. You started your internet business, I believe, it was about 20 years ago which is when this thing started really getting going. What was it like, starting an internet business? It was the year 2000 or thereabout, am I correct with that?
Chris: Yup. I launched the as a technical solution that I was having for a company that I was working for. It was never intended to be a business. I needed to know the IP address of the internet connection of the office that I was in and AltaVista didn’t answer that question for me. There wasn’t a quick website which I could find. I thought, “You know that’s a really simple, easy, website to make. I could put that on that Windows NT Server, in my 1.5 megabit DSL connection at home. I can make that a website.” That’s what the first version was. You went to the website and it just displayed the IP address, nothing else. No ads, no text—nothing.
Eric: You found the need. You had something that you needed and it works. You said, “Well, I think other people can get use out of this and let’s make it as simple as possible. Let’s not try to create something that is totally confusing.” That’s it. At the end of the day, that’s what the general idea was.
Chris: Exactly. It was just designed to provide the information. There are other things that I was trying to do online as business and this wasn’t one of them. This is just a very simple question, a very simple answer. It never even crossed my mind that it could be a business opportunity.
Eric: From there, you have the site up, you’re talking about it. I’m assuming people ask you about it, you’re telling some people. How does it grow? We’re going back 20 years now and social media wasn’t around yet. What were you doing to get the word out there about this new site?
Chris: In fact, I really wasn’t doing anything other than, what you don’t have to do anymore really, is search engine submissions. I was just submitting to AltaVista. Google didn’t even exist then. Netscape had a search engine, Open Directory Project (ODP).
Eric: AskJeeves, actually came around later, I believe.
Chris: AskJeeves came out probably, I think, that was 2005 or 2006. I did run Pay-Per-Click in some of those really kind of pre-Google, pre-AdWords days where I was paying $0.01 a click to get people to my site realizing, “Wait, I’m not making any money. I shouldn’t be doing this.”
Eric: Yeah. Then, you’re submitting that. It’s going to the different search engine now. People are going to come around and find it and we fast forward, so imagine at this time, people are starting to find it and you’re building your site maybe—there’s mistakes along the way. There’s just has to be. I would imagine as you go through this, you’re saying, “Oh, wow. If I had known now what was going to happen, I would’ve done something differently.” What were some of those mistakes that you saw take place and almost took you down?
Chris: There’s only a couple of them. I initially handled the website, back in the days, it was before WordPress, before Joomla, before it hit the common CMSs. So, I ran it all on a server in my home and that presented its own issues when the internet would go out. Guess what? My website would go down, when I get a whole lot of traffic. Guess what? The website would go down.
Those kinds of things became very problematic and because I wasn’t thinking of it necessarily as a business, my solutions to those issues were not—they were fun for me. But they’re probably really bad business decisions. My solution to that was, I need a bigger server in my home. I need more internet connections. I need devices that load balance across internet connections. Really, all fun technically interesting to implement but really just bad decisions to make.
As an example on that, my wife is from Singapore and we’re visiting Singapore. I was at the airport. We’re about to ready to fly out somewhere else. My website went down from a denial-of-service attack and here I am halfway around the world, going, “I can’t do anything about this.” Luckily, I had my brother’s said, “Hey, go to my house and do this. Let’s hope it works.” He’s a technical guy so he was able to help me out. But it wasn’t in the collocation facility. I wasn’t paying anybody to provide maintenance or support on it. Here I was, halfway around the world with no ability to directly interact with it which was a huge huge mistake.
Eric: How do you get over that? You have the idea. You have something that’s working. You understand the technical backings of it but maybe at this point, you don’t have the business savvy. You’re making the business mistakes, not necessarily the technical mistakes, how do you overcome that at this time? Is this when you partner with new people to get help on that side of it? Do you learn? What do you do from there?
Chris: For the most part, up until recently, I just tried to figure it out on my own. I was working a fulltime job and doing this on the side. To me, it was still kind of this hobby mentality. I’ll just figure how to learn it. I’ll deal with it. The site goes down for a little while. Maybe that’s not the best thing to have happened but it’s not my daytime income. It’s not my full-time income.
As I transitioned to doing this full time, now those things become magnified. These I cannot go down. I can’t have outages. I have to start making good business decisions.
When I was younger, I’d read a business book and I just couldn’t get anything out of it. I had no practical application. It didn’t mean anything to it. In the last year and a half, I hired a business coach. I’ve learned way more about business than I ever thought I would in the last year and a half of reading a business book or listening to a business book. Probably a new one every couple of weeks and really trying to find like, “How can I implement this?” or “Oh my gosh! If I just had done that five years ago my life would’ve been so much easier.”
Eric: That’s awesome because you have a successful site. You have things that are working for you. Just recently, you said, “I got to take this even more serious. I got to take this to the next level. I need to start reading.” You ran into a lot of young people and old people that said, “No, no, I’m past that, I don’t need that help.” And here you go with a successful site and a successful business and say, “I need to take this to the next level.” Was it because the site was crashing? Or did you talk to someone that said, “Chris, you really need to take this to the next level.” What got in your head to say now is the time to do that?
Chris: I think it was actually, in some sense, forced upon me. The employer that I was working for a full time, effectively when I had a business and I had a decision to make, do I dive in into the deep end of my own business and make this my 100% effort? Or do I get a daytime job and continue kind of play around with this at night? It’s kind of this hobby side-gig, side-hassle thing.
My wife and I sat down. We talked about it, prayed about it. It was like, “Okay, let’s not just guess at this. Let’s just hope it works out.” We had a plan. It was, “Okay, I need to grow my business, grow my income in the next six months. I need to make up my daytime job salary.” That’s the goal, that’s the plan, that’s the measuring stick. I realized, “Okay, I need help to do that. I can’t just apply more time in it of itself is not going to make it happen.” I’ve got to change the way I do things. I’ve got to do things differently. I’ve got to think of this as a business and not a hobby anymore.
Eric: What happens a lot of times is entrepreneurs say that they have this vision of like, “I’m going to do this.” Then, they just make that happen. Other times, there’s other events that spark that—that make that. That’s kind of where you fall in. It was like, “Oh, something is happening here. I need to make a decision.” You think about it then you reapply everything that you’ve learned and the things that you don’t know and you go and focus all your energy on that. It sounds like that’s obviously what you’ve done.
As you look today, as entrepreneurs and as business owners like yourself that have good ideas, maybe they don’t have the start that you have with your website. How should entrepreneurs today be thinking about their businesses and say, “I want to create something. I want to use a website, I want to use a digital medium. I want to do all these different things.” What type of advice would you have for someone today that’s going about it whether they have an existing business or whether they don’t and they’re getting started?
Chris: I’ll give this from my perspective. My wife and I are both fairly risk-averse. We don’t gamble. We don’t make big stock plays. We’re not, “Hey, what’s the next big thing?” That’s not who are makeup is. I want to be clear that my perspective is from the conservative point of view when it comes to that.
I think it’s really neat in the last couple of years, the gig economy, that it is totally acceptable nowadays to moonlight, to have a day job and have a side hustle. I think you’ve got to figure out how to be consistent about the attention and the effort that you put into your side hustle. You have to have a plan about it. I know a number of people who are like, “I’ve got this side thing that I’m doing.” But they don’t have, “I hope it becomes big.” They don’t have a plan. They haven’t sought down and said, “What do I actually need to do to grow it? What are the steps? Who do I talk to?” It’s, “Well, we worked on it five hours this week, 30 hours next week. Then, my girlfriend is going to get mad at me. So I’ll go back down to five hours.”
I think it really takes just consistent pressure to move things forward. You got to look at, “What’s the most important thing to do today that can grow my business?” “What’s the most important thing to do today that can grow my business?” “What’s the most important thing I need to do tomorrow?” And just take those steps one at a time.
Eric: Small steps. You laid it out there. We say that and I say it to my kids, “Just get a little bit better today.” It’s cliche and not a lot of people say it. But it’s true. That’s all you’re trying to do. Just get a little bit better today. Whether that’s in your main line of business or your side hustle business, that is what we’re trying to accomplish.
We talk a lot about the side-hustle. The side-hustle can be inside of a large business too because you might have an agenda as to what you’re working on.
For example, in our business, we’re in an insurance group—insurance brokerage company. We saw opportunities in the marketing spaces and in creating our own content. In a way, that was our side-hustle. We didn’t know necessarily where it was going but we gave it a lot of attention. We gave it a lot of time. Next thing you know, we build a marketing company out of it. Then, a podcast is launched. It’s all these different things. That side-hustle can be an existing business.
I always thought, let us get disrupted. Let’s disrupt our own business because we see there’s always disruption that’s going on out there. I also think you made a great point about being risk-averse. I think a lot of people make these assumptions like, “Well, you’re just willing to take that risk and I’m not willing to do that. Therefore, I don’t want to put myself out there.” Then, we talk to someone like you and it’s the opposite. That’s not the case. That’s a generalization to say, every entrepreneur’s just willing to just throw it all in the table. To a point, yeah. At some point, you have to put your chips in the middle.
You’re not that way. You weren’t that way. Your wife wasn’t that way. At the other side of it, someone could be encouraging you and forcing you to do it. Actually, you laid it all out there. You tried to actually put the odds on your favor. I feel like, you probably came to that realization where you’re becoming an entrepreneur and you’re putting your chips in the middle, you feel like you stacked the odds on your favor. Am I right?
Chris: Absolutely. I’ve done the research. I’ve done the work. It’s not going to be a risk. I see the danger in, specifically in a married couple, one person’s a risk-averse, the other one’s a risk-taker. You’ve got to figure that out and work that out in your family and how you do things if you’re trying to do a side-hustle. You don’t want to destroy your relationship over it. You have to make sure you have to work it together.
Eric: Now, your business is moving the competition. Your competition can be in so many different ways. There’s direct competition and you’re not sure what your competition is. A water company might think that their competition is another water company when it’s actually, it’s just anything. It’s just anything that exists out there. It could be Coca-Cola or another brand, any of those things.
That said, the internet in general, I think is all competing with one another. There’s so much being put out there. There’s so much content, so many websites. What are you seeing right now is the biggest obstacle for, not maybe for yourself, but maybe for other businesses that are creating websites that’s what their business lives online?
Chris: The thing that I see that is potentially scary for a lot of industry is, I saw myself face this, is companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook. A couple of years ago, Google started answering in the search results, what is my IP address? They basically, in some sense, there’s no reason for them to even ever leave Google.
I was fortunate enough that I was building lots of other content that change did not ruin me. But there were other of my competitors that Google was starting to answer that question created their traffic. All their traffic was just one search phrase, that was the only thing that their website was doing. Once Google took that away, they were gone.
I think you really have to kind of think of, always be thinking of my biggest source of traffic. What would I do? What’s my plan B? What else can I offer other than my core product?
Some industries, I think it’s difficult if you’re a beverage company getting into widgets might not be a good business move. I think everyone is going to be different.
Those three organizations stand to put a lot of people out of business in a way that Uber and Lyft are hurting taxi companies.
Eric: Absolutely. You are on this podcast. I see you on social media. We’re connected at LinkedIn. We’re connected on Twitter. Is this where you see yourself more as the brand, the Whats My IP Address? Obviously, it’s important but you become the person to where a business could say, “Chris, we need your help.” I’m not saying you’re going to become a consultant. There’s other things out there because we like your content. We like your ideas. We want to talk to you more about that. Is that the mindset that you have? You’re absolutely right. We can go to Google now and I never do this, but I can get all my research by the results I get in Google. I never have to click through that website because their posting it. I can get a lot of social media feeds there. I could get news feeds, web feeds, I could get videos. I could just get it all right there without clicking anything else besides staying in Google.
No different than when I go to Facebook. Facebook doesn’t want you leaving Facebook. That’s why results of posts are going to do much better if it’s natively posted in Facebook.
Same thing on LinkedIn. They don’t want the links inside the post. They want it outside of the post because they don’t want people clicking out of there.
Going back to it, is that where personal branding comes in for you? That part of it?
Chris: Yeah. That’s something I’ve—it’s still evolving for me. I’m trying to figure out. I’ve got this website that has been tremendously successful to me. I have no illusions that this website is going to exist forever and be a cash cow for me. At some point, something’s going to change—the way the internet works, the way search engines work, the way information works, AI. Something’s going to be massively disrupted to me at some point.
I need to get start thinking of what can I do differently. That’s one of the things that my business go-to has really helped me is to start doing lots of things that I’m really uncomfortable with. Getting comfortable being uncomfortable.
Eric: That is probably the best advice. I mean, you give a lot of good advice but that one piece right there, someone who’s had a successful website for all these years and then taking it to the next level and say, “Now, what can I do differently?” Make no mistake about it, your website could be gone tomorrow just like anybody’s website. Anybody’s business can be gone.
We’ve seen it. We talked multiple times and you’re really not in the health insurance base but we know health insurance agents. We’ve seen health insurance agents in the state of North Carolina be put out of business overnight because the government came in there and said, “You know what, you’re not going to get paid commissions anymore on the sale of individual health insurance. Bye-bye.” What have you done? Did you see that coming? Maybe you couldn’t have see it coming but at the same time even if you couldn’t have see it coming, there’s still other things you could have done.
Even if you didn’t think Google couldn’t have done what they did, you still could be doing other things differently just like your business coach is saying.
Chris: Yeah. I think that even comes down to the people who are, “I’m never going to do a side-hustle. I’m just going to do my corporate gig.” It’s really about what are you doing to make yourself a better employee. Life insurance and health insurance, you have continuing education stuff you had to do.
A lot of other industries, your company does not require you to get continuing education. But I think it’s so valuable for people to go to the industry events, go to the conferences in your industry to meet new people. The best way to get a raise is to go sideways not get a promotion at your company but it goes sideways and make an extra 10% in that transition. The only way that’s going to happen is if you’re constantly working to grow your skill set and be better at what you do. Not just the same today, tomorrow, and next month.
Eric: Thank you for saying that because we talk about all the time, I can’t force you to read a book. I can’t force you to go to a new event. I can’t force you to go sit down with this person and take something from him. When other people say over and over again, maybe it hurts other people to say, “Maybe I should do that.”
You’re right. Real estate. If you’re in medicine, if you’re in insurance, there’s continuing education. Let’s be honest, a lot of those things that you go and see, I’m not talking about medicine, but just in the insurance business alone, stuff is so dated. It’s so irrelevant to the work that you’re doing. Even that doesn’t work that well. At Least, you have to stay in the game. You have to read something. You have to take a test to prove it.
A lot of these other industries are like the wild west. Like in the marketing industry, you can claim to be an expert of something and you’ve never done anything before. If you have a good Instagram profile and you get people to follow your stuff, you can then become the Instagram guru but you’ve never really done it.
Now, eventually, the bad goes away and the good rises to the top. That is what we’re dealing with nowadays.
Going back, I do think it’s important that you said that continuing on with your education genuinely, meaning it. Going out, talking, and listening to other people, I think that’s where you have value. Something I was reading about you is you have a lot of content and you’re going to have to take this one over but IPv6 versus what we have right now which is IPv4, you have knowledge of things that other people do not have. Let’s go into that a little bit.
We have IPv4 today. I actually went through your website. It’s one of the things that pops up. What is IPv4? What is coming with IPv6? What does this all mean to everybody in the real world?
Chris: The difference is when IPv4 came out, there is this thought that, well, there’ll never really be that many machines on the internet. It’s just going to be research institutions. It’s just going to be large entities and a few hundred billion IP addresses. It’s perfectly adequate for every machine that we’ll ever get on the internet.
Fast Forward, when you look around in my house, I got my nest thermostat. I got my Alexa. I’ve got my ring doorbell, my security cameras. All these things are connected to the internet and there’s not enough numbers to go around. I think the number on IPv6 is there’s basically enough for every grain of sand on the earth to have it’s own IP address. Every star has it own IP address. Now, maybe we’ll get to the point where that’s not enough but that will carry us to another – a good 20 or 30 years before we go into something new.
It just allows more devices, more connectivity, more things to connect. It throws people for a loop because people are used to seeing or whatever. Now there’s like, what are these letters? These numbers? What’s going on here? It’s great for cell providers. They can now assign unique IP addresses to each cell phone as opposed to having to deal with Network Address Translation.
The number of IP addresses, with it being a larger number, just makes it easier for the platforms to be able to move and connect devices.
Eric: Does that create disruption? Because you’re right. When you’re talking about this, I’m just looking around my office right here. I think there’s five or six devices or things that are connected to the internet. I think about my house and it’s just like going through yours. It’s just crazy that there’s just so many devices now. Does this create disruption? Like you said, this is really good for the cell phone companies but at the same time for a lot of the stuff that’s going on. Does this create disruption for them? Because they created it in a certain way. Now, they’re all got to go back and all the software engineers have to go back into their devices and they’re going to have to update this. Or is this going to be seamless? I can’t imagine that would be the case but…
Chris: The transition has been mostly seamless. IPv6 has been kind of the standard for cell phone companies for probably four or five years now. Apple kind of led the game when it came to applications. They forced their application developers, “You must support IPv6 in your applications as of this date. If you don’t, we won’t allow your app on the store.”
You have companies like Apple who have forced the developers to be current. Other entities are doing the same thing. Again, it’s a sort of thing where old computers, it’s going to have at some point, older computers will have a problem. There’s a lot of fail safes to handle that transition. It’s been for the most part, fairly smooth, and mostly transparent to almost everybody.
That’s the great thing about, sometimes, about the internet. It just works until it doesn’t.
Eric: Until it doesn’t. Then, you get upset then it comes back on and like it never was wrong. Now, you’re happy. I think it’s fascinating because we live in a time we have all these tools. We have all these resources. I can go to the internet and find out my IP address with the click of a button and end up on your website. That’s a tool that’s important to a lot of people and that’s what we live now.
Just like what you’re saying, there’s people developing products and tools out there. People talk about what you’re iPhone or whatever phone you use and I’m like, that’s not really a phone. It’s a device that does all these things. It’s a computer. It can do amazing things if you allow it to do the great things that it can do, you can build a business off of it. In many ways, I feel like that’s what we’ve done. I think that’s what you’ve done. You started super early and I think that’s a huge advantage but like you said, you had to learn all these different things along the way and you’re continuing to learn. I think that’s important for young people.
We bring on young people on our company and you know, “Hey, look at this person. This person’s been through it and they’re still learning. They’re still reading books.” It doesn’t stop.
I appreciate you coming on spending time with us to talk about these different things, What Is My IP Address, just your career, where you are today, and where you are today and what’s going on in your industry. I appreciate that. I do want to go into some other questions too but a little bit faster here. I’m going to ask you.
The first one is, if you were not the CEO of What Is My IP Address, what career would you be in?
Chris: Funny. My wife and I have always talked about starting a breakfast and lunch restaurant. It’s a great dream. It’s fun to think about, “Oh, what kind of food are we going to offer?” But everybody I know in the food industry, works 80 hours a week. It’s a tough industry. That sounds like something I would like to do if it can be magically done for me. But I probably end up going back to what I’m good at, that’s web development. I have lots of experience in the life insurance industry. There’s lots of opportunity there because it’s an incredibly archaic paper industry. There’s lots of opportunity for technological advances there. I’ll probably go that direction.
Eric: What would’ve been the main food that you would have served at your breakfast and lunch, I just got to know that.
Chris: International breakfast ideas. We’re taking different cultural dishes from around the world and because there’s so many great breakfasts out there.
Eric: Yeah. Breakfast and lunch places. I love all the meals. We would show up, I get it. It’s a tough business.
Chris: Yes.
Eric: You work remotely. We’ve talked about this offline and you read some of the stuff you have going on. What is your favorite thing? One thing that you like most about working remotely.
Chris: Flexibility. If I want to do my grocery shopping at two in the afternoon, that way my wife and I are going to have more time in the weekends to do something, I can do it. If I want to look over at the side of my desk and see a dog, he’s there hanging out with me. I don’t have to be stuck in someone else’s office. From some arbitrarily – you need to be here form 8:00 to 5:00 regardless of how much you get done. You need to be seating in this office. I like the flexibility being able to do the things that I want to when I need to.
If I got a friend who’s having a bad day, I can, “Hey, let me come over. Let’s go grab lunch.” I can do that kind of stuff.
Eric: Yeah. All that sound like a true entrepreneur. You’re also very well-traveled. If you’re going to go on a one week trip tomorrow, outside of the United States, where are you going?
Chris: I have two answers for that. Singapore. It’s where my wife is from. Her family is there and if you like to eat, you have to go to Singapore. Just amazing food culture there. It’s a blast. If you want to do lots of fun activities, don’t go to Singapore. But if you want to eat, go to Singapore.
We want to go to Japan. It seems like an interesting country, lots of history that we don’t have it here in the US like 100 years of history. Japan’s got 1000 years of history. It’d be great to kind of experience that.
Eric: Now, I’m going to do one quick thing we do with a lot of our guests. We love sports here and not everyone we talk to love sports and that’s okay. But I’m going to say, from now on, you’re only allowed to route for one sports team for the rest of your life, what team would that be?
Chris: I thought long hard about this question because I am not a sports person. I came up with a good answer. BattleBots. I love watching BattleBots. Robots destroying each other on the ring and bits and pieces fly everywhere. I would be a big fan of following Bronco.
Eric: I think that’s great. I think it’s a great answer. There was a movie, it’s a kids movie. I want to draw a blank on it. If I remember, I’m going to put it in the show notes. That’s how the movie was based around is – it was a super popular movie, Big Hero 6. That’s it. That’s what I think of when I think BattleBots. I think that’s a great answer. I appreciate that.
You’ve had a lot of moments and you’ve already talked a lot about these moments. But I’m going to ask this question just to see where you take it. When was the moment you told yourself you needed to make it happen and you gave yourself no excuses?
Chris: I think that was the transition going from working full time, getting laid off, and having to make that decision, “Okay, you’re going to make this happen and make it a business or it stays a hobby?” when that transition happened. That was the make it or break it moment.
Eric: Here you are, you made it happened. I’m glad you did. I’m glad you came to talk to us for a little while.
Chris, what is the best way that people can get ahold of you?
Chris: If people want to get ahold of me directly, just lots of contact information for me, all social media stuff at and of course, if you need technical assistance, you’re going to visit and submit a support ticket. We’ll do our best to help you out.
Eric: You can just put that right into Google and it’ll show up number one on the search.
Chris, I appreciate it again, spending time with us. Taught a lot to myself and to the people that are going to listen. Good luck with everything that you have going on. Absolutely, stay in touch but more than anything, thank you for your time.
Chris: Thank you very much, Eric. I had a great time.
Eric: Chris, it has been absolutely awesome having you on this podcast. From teaching our listeners about creating, building, and managing a successful internet company to always finding ways to improve in business, we’re better off for spending time with you.
The perspectives from Chris are getting ahead of the curve are now perspectives you as a business owner can use for yourself. And for that, Chris, thank you.
For anyone looking to talk to Chris about his website, we encourage you to reach out to him. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to me directly. You can find me on LinkedIn or contact me at Twitter and Instagram @Eric_ Kaz. Thank you for listening to our KazSource Podcast, Entrepreneur Perspectives, building and protecting your business one podcast at a time.
Until next time, we’re out of here.
Chris Parker
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